Category: ESXi

My PernixData vSphere Design Pocketbook v3 Submissions 0

My PernixData vSphere Design Pocketbook v3 Submissions

So on the 29/03/2016 Frank Denneman announced the authors for the new vSphere Design Pocketbook v3 which is sponsored graciously by PernixData and the list is just amazing and rich with people of high...

vSphere 6u2 – Lab Upgrade 2

vSphere 6u2 – Lab Upgrade

This blog is only limited to vCenter and ESXi upgrade: Release notes: vCenter: ESXi: For those who do not know I am still using the Windows version of the vCenter Server (for...

vSphere Virtual Machine Power On Stuck at 95% 0

vSphere Virtual Machine Power On Stuck at 95%

Today I got a support call where the customer had a file server virtual machine that would not startup and every time they try to power it on it would get stuck at 95%...

Get ESXi Hosts WWNs Powershell and Shell Scripts 0

Get ESXi Hosts WWNs Powershell and Shell Scripts

So, at first you’d say oh this has been done before via PowerCLI and that is true in the case where you have a vCenter up and running and you’ve created all your clusters...

vSphere 6.0 Home Lab Upgrade (Issues faced) 11

vSphere 6.0 Home Lab Upgrade (Issues faced)

Finally I could find some quality time to spend with my lab (quality implies break and fix, no?) so one of my bad habits is that I try to install/update/upgrade things without reading about...

ESXi 5.5 and HP-AMS Heap globalCartel-1 already at its maximum size 1

ESXi 5.5 and HP-AMS Heap globalCartel-1 already at its maximum size

Nothing better than waking to a Saturday support call, no? Don’t you just love not having a weekend and support your clients instead ;-). So long story short, it was a VMware Horizon View...

ESXi Failed to open device naa.(GUID) No space left on device 0

ESXi Failed to open device naa.(GUID) No space left on device

So I had a late call from a friend saying that he can’t mount a datastore after expanding it from the storage, it was a weekend and next day was Monday and the wife...