The voting is done, the audience have spoken!

Well people it is the moment of truth (at least for me), it is not that the aim is the vote itself nor the ranking (which is cool nevertheless) but from my perspective it is the notion of knowing that I am actually helping the community and that this blog is doing what it is supposed to do and it is not just a blunt addition to the internet.

This year Eric took the ranking process to a whole new level which I truly admire because it takes time, effort and a lot of dedication to achieve this and Eric does it for the love of it and it shows because his way of handling this is top-notch complete to its tiniest details, a mere thank you wouldn’t suffice to give this man the credit he deserves.

Before delving into the details related to this blog, I would like to thank all the bloggers out there whom take out of their personal time and luxury to share their knowledge and experience. It is because of you we embrace the community, it is because of you we thrive to be part of cycle of selflessness! Thank you * infinity :-).

On the 9th of August the Top 25 vBlogs were announced along with the top category results as well, congratulations to everyone and keep up sharing as our minds grow because you let us into yours through blogging :-).

On the 10th of August the full results were published and thankfully our blog came among the top 100 blogs and we ranked 80 *OWW YEAH* =), so

Looking back at how we did in 2016 I am pretty proud of what this blog has accomplished, last year we were raking 95 and this year we’re ranking 95; a 15 jump in position is not easy and I do not mean easy in terms of competition. This means that this blog has more readers and followers and the level of commitment increases with every click.

Also this year thankfully, the blog came ranking 15th among the Favorite Independent Blogger category, to be honest getting recognized is pretty thrilling and gives one a good feeling BUT it is also a sword with two edges because the community entrusted us with this exposure and it should never be treated nor handled lightly and for that I am truly thankful.

Finally, this couldn’t have happened without the support of followers/readers of this blog as you’re the real deal and again thank you is not enough but it at least shows my gratitude towards you giving the time to read my blogs, in addition the thanks are extended to my friends and colleagues whom always are pushing me to be at my best and never back down on a quest.


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