Tagged: vExpert


Being Thankful

Although my VCDX-NV attempts until now weren’t coronated with a number! YET! Before even thinking about writing a post about my experience/s and my journey, I have the urge to be thankful. Prophet Muhammad...

My PernixData vSphere Design Pocketbook v3 Submissions 0

My PernixData vSphere Design Pocketbook v3 Submissions

So on the 29/03/2016 Frank Denneman announced the authors for the new vSphere Design Pocketbook v3 which is sponsored graciously by PernixData and the list is just amazing and rich with people of high...

VMworld 2015 Europe (Barcelona) – Wrap up, the things that got imprinted on me! 0

VMworld 2015 Europe (Barcelona) – Wrap up, the things that got imprinted on me!

Before you continue, I’d like to point out that this is a semi-non-technical blog related to the subject of VMworld, if you’re looking for the technical aspect/summary of the conference please do check out...

Recent Activities: Sharing the dirty secrets %) 0

Recent Activities: Sharing the dirty secrets %)

Well I haven’t been posting much lately BUT I have been quite busy and being stressed at work to the extremities of what a human being can handle, thanks to Allah I am barring...