Veeam Backup for Office 365

Since Microsoft has been pushing all of its clients to migrate their messaging infrastructure to Office 365 and we’ve been a busy bee at it back at work, we have migrated/still-migrating a good portion of our customers including ourselves to Office 365.

Although moving to the cloud with your email is something great and good, if I was a system administrator responsible I would very much like to keep a local copy of the emails just in case, sure an SLA governs the whole thing but keep a close backup is something that itches! DOESN’T IT!

On the 29th of November Veeam release its solution for backup Office 365 mailboxes where you’re able to:

  1. Backup from Office 365 to a local repository.
  2. Restore backups with specifying destination.
  3. Export the whole mailbox or items/folders to your desktop in PST format.

The whole process is amazingly simple and as I am accustomed to Veeam products _IT_JUST_WORKS_ really everything is smoothly functional from the first setup.

You will require:

  1. A Windows machine (I did my tests on Windows Server 2012 R2).
  2. Install Veeam Backup for Office 365 and Veeam Explorer for Exchange.
  3. Add your Office 365 tenant/organization.
  4. Create your jobs.
  5. Test restore.
  6. All done.

I have recorded this in a small video just to show you how simple it is, the video is ~12 minutes but you’ll find me idling in it for a second here and there because of my little one’s constant interference :-D.

You can download the package from here where you can obtain a 30 days trial license as well and the product documentation here, I hope you enjoy the video :-).



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2 Responses

  1. Preetam says:

    Can you advise a good resource/page on migration planning to office365? Are you using Expressroute ?

    • doOdzZZ says:


      No I do not use epxress route because it is not available for our country (yet), on the other hand in terms of migration we relied on partner workshops to get into it and sadly I can’t share any of those content but if you’re a partner you can look up the TSP in your region and for sure he/she can provide you with the required information. On the other hand I would recommend visiting Microsoft’s Virtual Academy web site and I am sure you’ll find interesting learning information there.

      I hope this help,

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