Migrating from HP EVA to HP 3PAR – Quick Notes

I’ve been dealing with a lot of 3PAR lately and hopefully the hereunder notes will be beneficial for you when going for the EVA to 3PAR Online Import, I am assuming you already have an EVA, a 3PAR, FC Switches, hosts with data on EVA and Command View 10.3, also I am assuming that there is no configuration at all so the hereunder will give you an overview about the state of the whole thing not just the migration part.

You can always refer to the HP EVA to 3PAR StoreServ Online Import Migration Guide and the hereunder are a sum of the steps that you’ll be performing to achieve a successful migration for both Windows and Linux hosts.

  1. Configure 3PAR Peer Ports (0:1:1 / 1:1:1)
  2. Configure FC Switch:
    1. Aliases:
      1. Peer_3PAR_P1
      2. Peer_3PAR_P2
      3. Peer_EVA_P1
      4. Peer_EVA_P2
      5. Production_3PAR
      6. Production_EVA
      7. CView
      8. Linux hosts.
      9. Windows hosts.
    2. Zoning:
      1. EVA_3PAR_Peer_P1
      2. EVA_3PAR_Peer_P2
      3. Production_EVA_Linux
      4. Production_EVA_CView
      5. Production_EVA_Windows
      6. Production_3PAR_Linux (When ending zoning with EVA).
      7. Production_3PAR_Windows (When ending zoning with EVA if available).
  3. Create CPG on 3PAR
  4. Add host to EVA
  5. Create a volume on the EVA
  6. Assign the Vdisk to the hosts on the EVA.
  7. Put some data on the volumes (both Linux and Windows).
  8. Configure the settings in Command View for EVA to 3PAR Online Import:
    1. Windows:
      1. Initiate Online Import by selecting the designated host.
      2. After the wizard is complete and you are at the screen displaying (Unzoned) perform the following:
      3. Take the mounted volume offline (disk manager).
      4. Remove the host from its current zoning with EVA.
      5. Add the host to the production zoning with 3PAR.
      6. Remove the MPIO HSV300 and Add the 3PARdataVV.
      7. DO NOT RESTART.
      8. Now click on “Unzoned” then “Start” then “Start Data Transfer”
      9. When the import finishes verify the VV on 3PAR.
      10. Also verify MPIO by rescaning the disks.
    2. Linux:
      1. Initiate Online Import by selecting the designated host.
      2. After the wizard is complete and you are at the screen displaying (Unzoned)
      3. Remove the host from its current zoning with EVA.
      4. Add the host to the production zoning with 3PAR.
      5. DO NOT RESTART.
      6. Now click on “Unzoned” then “Start” then “Start Data
      7. Keep testing I/O on the RedHat to verify LUN availability.
      8. Once done check for mpio paths /sbin/multipath -ll
      9. Verify devices.

At this point you should have the volumes migrated successfully and all the applications are still accessing their data partitions without any issues, I hope this eases you understanding towards the migration process and if you have anything to add/corrections please do let me know.


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2 Responses

  1. Athar Hussain says:

    My one of the Customer is using HP EVA 4400 with RHEL5.5 Cluster Suite and the file System they are using is GFS2, Can 3PAR Online import support it ?? Can we migrate data smoothly from the above Steps ?
    Best Regards
    Athar Hussain

    • doOdzZZ says:

      Hello Athar,

      The above preparation steps will work fine, but you have to consult with HP regarding the RHEL 5.5 cluster I am sure some additional tweaks and configuration is required.

      Kindest regards.

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