Recent Activities: Sharing the dirty secrets %)

Well I haven’t been posting much lately BUT I have been quite busy and being stressed at work to the extremities of what a human being can handle, thanks to Allah I am
barring and I haven’t snapped and @#%*@*#($*@#(% someone yet :-P.

So what I’ve been up to other than being hammered with different projects at work:

  1. vExpert 2013, I was entitled this magnificent award and position in a community that I only had dreams about being part amongst.  Truly I am honored and grateful to those who made this possible because I always feel that I haven’t contributed much and there are a lot of aspects that I should cover, thanks for the great team at VMware that keeps morals of the community high, thank you Mr. John Troyer and Mr. Corey Romero and to all who had part in the selection process.
  2. VCP-Cloud, I’ve been preparing for this exam for quite sometime now and it’s been very difficult to prepare for it because sadly we don’t have much implementations as I much desire for vCloud Director here in Lebanon as much as I would please. Yet thankfully a lot of resources are there online and some books you can purchase that will put you on the right track, in addition to having access to the web based trainings on VMware University, ultimately I submitted the exam and passed :).
  3. New Theme,  keeping it simple as much as possible because I don’t like fancy graphics a lot since they tend to distract the audience from the content I got a new theme Retina v0.3 by Colton Mason I truly hope you like it as much as I did, of course I tweaked the header a bit from some papers that I use as scratch :-D.

Thank you all for the support that I will work hard to keep and the trust you’ve put in my words,

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